Investment Portfolio

Private Equity

FFC is committed to building a well diversified Private Equity portfolio. Within the past several years, the firm has significantly increased our targeted allocation within this asset class.

Our approach, for the time being, is to focus most of our resources towards allocating to fund of funds (FOFs). We believe FOFs enable us to achieve a degree of diversity. Due to our amount of committed capital to the asset class, this is compelling to us.

However, we have, and do, invest directly in certain private equity partnerships when it makes sense. Such funds are often "off the radar" of FOFs and can be relationship based, sector funds, "fund ones" or smaller/ more boutique type strategies.

In addition, we invest in direct venture capital/ PE deals. Our network sources opportunities from time to time and we consider them opportunistically. Over the years, our dealflow has increased in this regard. We have formed a knowledgeable group of partners who help in our due diligence and analysis. Despite not being an area of focus at FFC, we have had success with our direct private investments and have profited via company acquisitions.

We enjoy learning about new private equity strategies (including FOFs, direct funds, and direct investment opportunities). If you would like to send us information on your firm, please click here.